I spent years staying stuck. Seriously.
During these years, I was even reading God’s Word, asking God to help me and trying with all my will to change. Yet, internally, I was scared and immobilized.
Ever been there? Ever felt like — you know what you should do, but, still, you can’t quite do it…? Ever felt certain of what God wants (you to take action, change, forgive, leave the past behind, draw closer to Him, get healthy or reach out to someone) but you can’t make it happen? Do you continually start and then stop?
Oh, I know all the defeatist feelings that say — you’ll never change, you’ll never do it, you can’t.
Oh, but you can! And, this year — 2021? I believe you will.
Why? Because of one little breakthrough-key that changed so much for me….
Because of one key that revived my heart, that spurred on initiative, and that restored passion again… This key is simple really, but it makes all the difference.
What is it?
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works…” (Heb. 10:24 ESV)
I found people who stirred me up. This is a powerful concept.
Said another way, stirring-up means, “Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.” (Heb. 10:24 MSG)
My friend, I want you to get stirred up — so you can go out into 2021 fired up, ready to love and impact your world.
Of course, I love encouraging and praying for you. I also love how you pray for me and all of us at Purposeful Faith. At the same time, I feel called to raise the bar higher…and higher still. We need community and unity — unity in the Spirit, connection in our heart, and, most of all, activating prayer that sets us on fire for God, now more than ever.
We need stirring up!
This is why, I want to invite you to a “Breakthrough Morning Retreat”, completely designed to stir-up faith, resolve, and passion.
During this Breakthrough Morning Retreat, my hope is that you will:
1. Worship and Connect with the Heart of God
2. Hear from God about practical next-steps for this coming year.
3. Be encouraged with teaching that will inspire courage, hope and breakthrough.
4. Connect with sisters within a small group context, helping you to forge new bonds and friendships. (My thought is you can continue to meet with these same women, as I do quarterly retreats this year)
5. Find yourself activated and uplifted via mountain-moving prayer.
***You will also get a 2021 Encouragement Post-up Sheet that includes key reminders and biblical declarations to keep you on your game.
The morning retreat cost is $29 (to cover costs, technology and Ministry costs have always exceeded income, so if you want to donate more…that would SO bless me (no pressure). ( also remove this part…

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Make space to encounter God. Gain new strength for this year.
January 9, 2020 from 10 AM ET - 1 PM ET via Zoom.
For more information or if you have questions contact kelly@purposefulfaith.com