Purposeful Faith

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Thank you for joining me on Kelly Balarie & Friends. I just hope you love your email updates.
Here is your “3 Ways to See More of God” Tip Sheet. I hope you enjoy.

1. Pray – The more you seek his face, the more you’ll see his face. Ask. Seek. Knock. God will be faithful to direct and guide you in all your ways. He is just waiting for you to ask.

2. Surrender – The more we let go of our ways, the more we can see God’s ways. It can be hard to let go of control, but it’s here where we get to flex our faith muscle. It is here, in the place of uncertainty, where we get to see God show up.

3. Read – God’s words are waiting for you. He has written truth in his word so that we can live truth in our lives. Nothing will change your life more than a daily, continual focused time with the Lord. He will open your eyes, teach your mind and love your soul.

Apply this and you will see the Lord more!

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Twitter: www.twitter.com/kellybalarie
