Behind every dark cloud still remains — the sun.
Below the depths of the earth — are diamonds formed with pressure.
Blooming at the first gleam of day — are flowers springing open.
Beyond what is seen, God is working in the unseen. Behind darkness is the power of the light of day! It isn’t just coming; it is here!
Although the wait, on some days, is long and agonizing… Although it seems we live a thousand Holy Saturdays wondering if Sunday will come… Although there appears to be no light of hope beyond the dark clouds… Always remember: Good Friday gives way to Resurrection Sunday.
Could you imagine how the disciples felt on Holy Saturday? They may have thought, “Nothing is happening now. What is going on? And, what happened to the One we put all our trust in? We gave this man everything and now He is dead? What are we supposed to do with our lives?”
The situation appeared bleak. They may have felt out of control. Maybe they remembered how they deserted Jesus before His death.
“Then all his disciples deserted him and ran away.” (Mk. 14:50)
They messed up.
Likely, though, they thought little of the great purpose behind Holy Saturday and its tee-up power for Resurrection Sunday! The darkness of Saturday would give-way to glorious Sunday!
That’s what the Light of the World does…
There is no tomb that the light of Christ can’t touch.
There is no darkness that the Son is not behind.
There is no pressure of Earth that God is not working in.
Take hope! Christ has overcome the world; He has saved us for eternity; He has conquered sin and death; He has defeated all darkness; He has made a way where there is no way; He has makes all things new — including you!
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (Jo. 16:33)
Prayer: Father, thank you for sending your Son. We are eternally grateful. We are honored to know, love, serve and to receive Jesus. We thank you that there is always hope. We thank you that there is always the light of day. We thank you for your Son. May we love Him more and more. May we know Him more and more. May we be like Him in all ways. In Jesus’ Name.
Friends, today is my birthday!!! I am an April fool! As a birthday gift, will you pray this prayer (Gal. 2:20) for me?
“Father, I pray that Kelly will be 100% “crucified with Christ (so that she) no longer live(s), but Christ lives in her (and from her). (I pray) the life (she) now lives in the body, (that she will) live by (complete) faith in the Son of God, who love(s) (her) and gave himself for (her).” With this, I pray that Kelly will, not by her power or might, but by the Spirit of God will be 100% completely given over. I pray that all she thinks, hears, does and says will be Jesus. I pray her every move will be submitted to the fullness of Jesus. I pray that she does the great works that Jesus did. And, I pray that her whole life, in every way, will be so overcome by Him that she overflows with Him in all things. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
P.S. *If you want to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please reply to this email and let me know. I would like to encourage you and help you in receiving Him.
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