People are fickle. In Jerusalem, Jesus was popular one day. Many days later, similar crowds yelled, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him.”
This is why we don’t live for man, but for God. This is why our worth isn’t dependent on how we’re received, but on how we are freed through Christ. This is why we don’t bend backwards to do what God is not calling us to do.
Yes, we love. We do what God calls us to do…but not to the point of hating ourselves, our answer or the decision that we knew we shouldn’t have made. (but felt obligated to say yes to)
Jesus says “love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mk. 12:31)
We can only give the best of what is in us. There must be love in the water reservoir in order to hand it out to the city.
I considered this recently when I talked to my husband. He said, “We can give money at the start of the year, rather than on a monthly basis because this is what I feel is right for the family…” I can feel at peace about it. I can love myself enough to take care of my family the right way – rather than feeling obligated to give the wrong way.
I also considered this when I got behind on writing blog posts. I can love myself enough to say I need to slow down and be around my family. I can be kind. If you noticed, a bit back, I wrote a little less.
A few moments ago, the phone rang. It wanted my attention. But to give attention to whoever that person was would steal my attention from you. I love myself enough to keep the peace of where I am, rather than being rushed to the next thing.
When we rightly take care of “us,” we can rightly take care of “them.”
In what ways have you gotten this backwards? In what ways have you tried to take care of them, so you could feel good about you?
This kind of sacrifice tends not to breed sacrificial love, but resentment and bitterness. Only when the well of our heart fills with God-given rest, hope and love does our well never run dry.
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Kelly, such true words here. This post reminds me that we need to set boundaries in our lives to live well and love well. And It made me think about the importance of guarding our hearts so that we have love in the reservoir.
This resonated with me: “We can only give the best of what is in us. There must be love in the water reservoir in order to hand it out to the city.”
I’ve seen both sides of this in my life in the past week! Thanks for the truth-filled words this morning!
Me, too, Jeanne! This is such a relevant post for this very moment!
This is such a great reminder of what our focus in life should be Kelly. Thanks for this because life is too short!!
This is an awesome lesson. Our calling is not broad. Sometimes, the call is to sit there and give our undivided attention to the person in front of us. This comment spoke to my heart today ” I love myself enough to keep the peace of where I am, rather than being rushed to the next thing.” Lord help me to keep the peace of where I am, rather than being rushed to the next thing. Amen!
Yup….Been dealing with this over here. I highly value relationships and have been pouring into them at the cost of my own detriment. And the Lord said, “Tyra, I know that you value your relationships but do you value you?”….Mmmmm. SO I’m sitting, pondering….reflecting.
I had to rest, I am not God, I can’t take care of everybody.
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Yes Kelly! I love all your posts but this really hit me today in a much needed way!
.” This is why our worth isn’t dependent on how we’re received, but on how we are freed through Christ. This is why we don’t bend backwards to do what God is not calling us to do.”
I’ve been dealing with this lately. Just needing my space and time to gather myself, listen for God, give attention to my family and to myself. Feels selfish to say “no” to worthy endeavors and to decline invitations. I struggle with that guilt that I’m not pleasing others. And “what will they think of me?” And what sounds to me like the judgement because I have different needs and different focus.
I’m getting it backwards!! And I can feel resentment and bitterness creeping in.
Thank you for this: “Only when the well of our heart fills with God-given rest, hope and love does our well never run dry.” Fill me Lord!
I get it backward all of the time. I think I can accomplish so much more than I can and then feel I must do what I committed to. I am always a work in progress but I am learning and getting better. I am always amazed at when I make God my priority first thing in the morning how much more I can get done. Great post- sharing.
Thank you for that timely message, I have recently had to lovelingly stand firm on God’s principles on an issue. I knew a tsunami of disapproval, rejection & isolation would come but I love God & in that love I need to be who I am in Him & where I stand in glorifying Him in my life & love for me!
Your post really moved to desire resting in Christ; trusting he’ll give me the time to tend to all that HE wants me to do. To operate from a restful state in Christ, rather than striving and rushing from one thing or person to the next. So important to be prayerful about our day and to ask seek wisdom and discernment. Thanks!
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