God do you see me?
I know you say:
You are with me,
you strengthen me,
you help me,
you take my hand and keep me from falling. (Is. 41:10)
I know you say these things, I do.
But, do you really see me? Because sometimes I feel alone.
And sometimes, I look for your uplifting voice to be carried in by a messenger of your life-giving word. Sometimes I look for that. I watch for it. I wait for it’s arrival.
Is that bad God?
Certainly, I don’t want to get all of man’s approval only to lose yours.
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. Gal. 1:10
If we are seeking our utmost for our highest,
we won’t demand utmost from our neighbor.
Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. Mt. 6:1
With God, our plays to be seen, only result in us being unseen.
Our dreams to look good, only steal our good robes and crowns.
A heart that is set on the scale of perceptions, is simply led in deception.
Yet, the crumb-size difference between reliance on man and reliance on God resides in the heart. Its always here that we can magnify our intentions to see if there is any true value in our pursuits.
The heart that says, “God you are my master. I am serving you at all times” is the heart that God pours into. God uses all of his resources to healthily build into this kind of person: two of which are his Word and the word of others.
And, boy, you know I need it, sometimes, don’t you God?
God has placed us in a world among man for a reason. God is the author of a timely spoken word for a reason, because he wants to fill our heart – with him.
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thess. 5:11
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works…encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Heb. 10:24-26
Sometimes, it’s that detailed word or a shared celebratory victory dance
that beats off despair, discouragement and doubt.
It’s the fist bump with a co-laborer
that often brings God’s next big dream to the surface.
It’s that small word of love that wipes away
the tears of “I can’t do this anymore.”
At times when you feel like you can’t lift another foot.
When you don’t know if your making a difference.
When you can’t understand how God could use a person as jacked-up as you.
When you are unsure if his great purpose will ever be fulfilled.
It’s those times, encouragement is vital, called for and a great power play in the toolbox of God.
If we need these words, these confirmations, then how much more might others need them too?
The other day, God dropped this at my feet (literally), as I was walking my son to his Vacation Bible School. A cross was lying on the floor by the door, it said:
The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me;
your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.
Do not forsake the work of your hands. Ps. 138:8
God will fulfill it. He will do it. He will bring us through.
But, how often do we listen to the other voice, “God won’t do it. He will drop us. He will leave us. We can’t do it.”
Who reminds us of this truth-line?
Do you remind others? They are dying for it.
God calls us to broadcast this truth with a megaphone – not in a shy, guilty or self-seeking way, but in a loud, proud and glory-inducing way.
For, the time is now. The stakes are high. The purpose is huge. The call is great. The hands must unite. The people must pull together. The sisters and brothers must live like sisters and brothers, because God’s church is waiting.
The bottom line is, I need you sisters and brothers. If I want to keep going on this thing called perseverance of faith, I can’t do it alone. You can’t either.
We all need that little push to push us beyond our own self. Christ did it when he died on the cross to push us into the unreachable places of hope and he calls us to do the same here on earth – to push others into new hope.
Hope that spreads faith,
then spreads his power,
to spread new purpose.
The more we spread it, the more God ends up spreading his own love on the slice of our heart that needs it most.
So, I ask you all with the most humble heart, will you come alongside me?
Will you come alongside others?
Will you upbuild the most prized possession of God – the church –
the most active movement of Jesus Christ on earth?
This means speaking thank you to that person who can’t do it alone.
This means sharing how a message impacted you.
This means offering a small act of kindness to the one who constantly gives week after week.
This means sending a verse of love to one who may be on their last leg.
This means keeping in prayer those who always keep you in the faith.
This means generating faith in those who are starting to feel weary.
Encouragement is more than lip service
it is active service to those in need.
It is your way to get involved in building the church up so high that it reaches the full heights of heaven. #UROCK is a day of encouraging the encouragers. Whether it is your pastor, women’s minsitry director, worship leader, bible study teacher, mentor, favorite radio host or whomever, send them a tweet, FB message or email using #UROCK to tell them how much they mean to you. Offer them a prayer, a hope or a verse – it may make all the difference. Learn more.
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Kelly, I’m at an “m” conference just 5 days before I leave my country of service, so I couldn’t participate in #URock yesterday–also no internet yesterday!–it will take me a few weeks to settle in in Dallas (some travelling first) but once I get there, I can’t wait to participate. This is a great project! You rock, sister! Love this vision. (and I love that Ps 138 quote and your post after the hard week I’ve had.) Blessings to you. xoxoxoxo Love you.
That is totally fine. I can’t wait to have you join in Betsy! It will be such fun. God sure loves his church! I am excited to join him in loving them.
This is just such a huge truth. We need each other now more than ever! You rock. Thank you for your heart for others and your heart for the church!
We do. We desperately need each other! Much love to you Kaylie!
I love your heart for encouraging and starting to spread this to people in the church is a wonderful idea. My mom taught me to always thank those who have helped me in anyway. However with that said, I never really did that for the people who came alongside me in the church. Thank you for spreading your ministry wings of encouragement even wider. God is blessed by your heart and willingness to serve Him.
Thank you Mary. I pray that God sees this through in a way that is so encouraging and that it overflows to so many. Only he can do it though…(Please help God!). Thank you for your encouragement!
[…] Linking up with Kelly Balarie, from Purposeful Faith, for the #RaRaLinkup. Join us as we encourage one another to know Jesus and make Him […]
This made me smile, “It’s the fist bump with a co-laborer that often brings God’s next big dream to the surface.” Fist-bumping and celebrating as we stand in awe of His work in, through and around us. It’s a joy to be on this journey with you friend.
We have shared a couple of those! 😉
#UROCK! That’s for you, my precious friend. #UROCK!
I so loved seeing you last week Kelly. Hugs from my heart. Prayers for #UROCK ROCKING it in the world of church leadership.
Sending u hugs. I love you dear Susan.
We need you too Kelly:) Your writing is sometimes more like poetry than essay. Beautiful words today! Thanks for uniting all of us in the body of Christ. We’re stronger together, no doubt.
We are so strong together; what God is in the middle of – no man can pull apart. #wehaveJesus
[…] with other writers of faith here: Intentionally Pursuing, Purposeful Faith, Holly Barrett, Jennifer Dukes Lee, Holley Gerth, Suzie Eller, Susan B. Mead, & Counting My […]
Thank you, Kelly, for following your incredible calling as an encourager. It is truly a gift deep inside you and I’m so blessed to know you. Reading your words always gives me that “fist pump” I need to keep moving forward. This: “Encouragement is more than lip service
it is active service to those in need.” Yes it is, and may we all continue to aspire to this true definition.
Let’s fist bump with Jesus, Candace. He is cheering on his church right with us!
Wonderful reminder. Every single day. Encouragement is a ministry we can all participate in every single day. Kelly, thank you for reminding us all to our call to encourage. You do so beautifully each & every week!
It is always waiting for us and God is always calling us to it. Amen Joanna!
#Urock, my friend. Encouragement with legs is a love in action. I love pouring that on others, is a joy receiving it, too. Have been focused on my sick father ever since the conference, and will be for upcoming days, but will be joining you gals as time permits. xo
Thank you dear Kristi. I am deeply sorry to hear about your sick father. We will rejoice in whatever time we get with you and completely understand.
[…] up with two beautiful friends and their spaces today: Kelly for #RaRaLinkup and Holly for […]
The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me. I needed those words today, my friend. More than you know. Thank you. I love your heart, your passion, and your love for Jesus. Keep moving forward in Him. Much love to you today!
I praise God Julie. I praise God that he is speaking and you are listening. He is so good to us.
[…] Linking to: #Reflectlinkup, #TestimonyTuesday, #RaRaLinkup […]
U Rock Kelly!
“We all need that little push to push us beyond our own self”. Amen!
Blessings to you!
Let’s go. Christ’s bride is waiting for us. He loves her so much. Much love Danise.
We do. God is calling us out onto the waters of his love.
Oh my friend… I love this! I love your heart to encourage and uplift and how you encourage the encouragers in your life and all around the interwebs! 😉 (Going to check out #URock now!)
Praise God. He is using us right now to hold up the church; I feel that we are all being called in – to lift up!
“The bottom line is, I need you sisters and brothers. If I want to keep going on this thing called perseverance of faith, I can’t do it alone. You can’t either.” Kelly, how true this is. We all need each other. We need to be encouraging one another, because that’s how God made us. The world needs to see love in action and what better way than to see Christians loving and encouraging each other in tangible ways. I was not able to participate in #URock yesterday, but I plan to join in. I know there are people in my church that would love to be recognized and encouraged. Thank you for your example, Kelly!
We so badly need each other. It is when we pull apart that things get messy. I thank God for the unity of love we have in #RaRalinkup.
Hi Kelly! #URock for sure! And I absolutely agree with the fact that we should be lifting each other up. Who else does God have to do His work but us? Not only His hands and feet, but His love and support…that’s us!
YAY! God is going to do some mighty work through us Ceil. I just know it.
Such great encouragement here, Kelly and really a call to action. To put feet to our faith and move to inspire and lift up those in need. It’s such an amazing thing when we ask God to open our ours to those who need us, and in turn take our eyes off of ourselves. Always blessed to be here.
It is an amazing thing. Sometimes I can’t believe we have been afforded this opportunity.
Thank you Tiffany. Let’s move our feet towards love.
Thank you, Kelly. I’m especially touched by how God literally placed that cross in front of you. Yes! He will fulfill His purpose for us no matter what those negative voices tell us. I needed to be reminded of this. 🙂
He is amazing that way, isn’t he? He drops us a timely message of his love.
This is something God has been speaking to me about. We are meant to live in community with others. I hope to be an encouragement and to lift others up. Thank you for your words of encouragement.
Praise God. He is calling you deeper into him.
Kelly,,I love your post and it was much needed for myself. My discouragement hole definitely needed filling right about now! I love the posts here on the link up. It is my first time but there is such quality writing with a sincere love for god. I am so encouraged as I read each post! Thank you again for the opportunity. I am so encouraged to meet believers that want to shine a bright light on the darkness that surrounds us. I hope you have a great week and may God continue to bless you and yours!
Thank you Horace. I am so glad you are here. May you be full in your Savior’s love.
Sometimes in you depression, all you really need is the knowledge that someone sees you and is concerned of your pain. That’s enough to keep you going.
Beautiful sharing as always.
Exactly, that knowing makes all the difference. Great point Lux.
Oh my goodness Kelly #URock so much!!! I love this line: “A heart that is set on the scale of perceptions, is simply led in deception.” How true that is and how often I fall to deception as I crave words of affirmation from those around me. It is true though that we need each other ~ that is why verses like Hebrews 10:24-26 are written. The Lord is aware of our need though and I need to trust Him for the provision of the words of affirmation I crave.
I love you so much girl and am so thankful to have met you at #SheSpeaks 15 🙂
Thank you sweet Sarah! May we pull everything we need from the one who is extending it all. Loved meeting you too!
[…] I’m linking up this week with Kelly Balarie at #RaRaLinkup, Jennifer Dukes Lee at #TellHisStory and Holley Gerth at Coffee for Your […]
[…] at Coffee for Your Heart, #TellHisStory, Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood, Purposeful Faith, Playdates with God, […]
[…] love linking with these communities: Holly Barrett’s #TestimonyTuesday, Kelly Balarie’s #RaRalinkup, and Grace and Truth. Check them out for more […]
[…] with these communities: Holly Barrett’s #TestimonyTuesday, Kelly Balarie’s #RaRalinkup, and Grace and Truth. Check them out for more […]