“I don’t know, I don’t have a crystal ball.” I’ve noticed this is a catch-phrase for financial analysts when on TV. They love it. They’re point being, they have no idea what the market will do. No one knows. But, much like us, everyone wants to know…
I want to know what God is doing. I want to know why things have happened the way they have: I want to know the reason a family member passed away, why I am still stuck in different areas in my life and how God is going to show up in the future. I want to demand answers from God on many a day.
Tell me! I need to know. Like Eve, I say, let me “know”, God! ASAP!
Knowing is not always beneficial.
I keep Christmas gifts a surprise to my kids. Why? Because there is nothing better than seeing the joy written all over their faces when they open up that morning-surprise. I don’t tell them all the details about the “birds-and-the-bees” yet. Why? Because there is a right time for that message. I don’t let my son see what’s on those late-night cable channels. Why? Because wisdom says, “He doesn’t need to see that — ever.”
Have we ever considered? Not knowing makes us fortunate.
“David confirms this way of looking at it, saying that the one who trusts God to do the putting-everything-right without insisting on having a say in it is one fortunate man…” (Romans 4:8 MSG)
You don’t have to know the whys.
Or, understand the whens.
Or, get answers to every question you have.
God will put-everything-right.
Blessed is the man who trusts God to put-everything-right, without knowing-every-nitty-gritty-detail regarding how.
Our knowledge doesn’t make things right, God’s good work does. It handles all those things we most fear.
“…Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (Jo. 20:29)
When we believe anyway, we are blessed. When we trust, we are fortunate.
Where do you need to let go of any unresolved pain, bitterness, grief, misunderstanding, anger or worry? Where do you need to let God off-the-hook for the answers, in order to find peace? Where do you need to bask in the fortunate you’ve obtained; the fact that, for you, God no longer “keeps score” of your sin? (Ro. 4:7 MSG) Today is the day. Ask God to forgive you for carrying around these burdensome demands; let His help come in and rescue you.
God will put-everything-right.
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Learn more about Kelly’s new book, Battle Ready: Train your Mind to Conquer Challenges, Defeat Doubt and Live Victoriously.
Yes, so true, Kelly. We are told ” I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” We have to trust.
We are not good “waiters,” but the reward for waiting is huge. God is in control, and the end of the story will be worth the wait!
[…] linking up with #RaRaLinkup, #TellHisStory, and Holley […]
Yes! I’m terrible at this sometimes (ok, most times), but YES! He knows and I choose to trust Him even when I don’t want to.
[…] with Kelly, Char, Meg, Mary, Inspire Me Monday, Anita, Randomosity, Modest […]
[…] with other Jesus lovers and writers here: #purposefulfaith, #heartencouragementThursday, […]
God will put everything right. Yes. laurensparks.net
Wanting to know all the answers can trip us up. Thanks for this reminder. This post reminded me of Job and his friends telling him they know the answer to his problems. And Job asking God why. But in the end God never revealed why.
[…] Organized Dream, Uncommon Suburbia, Home Stories, Mostly Blogging, Mrs. AOK, Inspo for Moms, Purposeful Faith, MaryAndering Creatively, Chicken Chick, […]
This may be why the term ignorance is bliss was coined! We don’t need to know everything nor can we; only God does.
God makes you for wait for patience and he allows murders, starving children to die,, etc. For one person gets healed from cancer, another person dies a horrible from cancer. That is God, we have to hsve simple faith and trust in Him,, especially when.times are hard.
I love this – ‘Blessed is the man who trusts God to put-everything-right, without knowing-every-nitty-gritty-detail regarding how.’ Boy, do I ever like to know. But peace comes from letting go and trusting God to be God. Thanks for the encouragement.