When I sat down on my porch, I looked up. A little spider connected to his web was hanging down a little bit over me.
Why harm him? He’s just sitting there. He looks dead, anyway…
I continued on with God, reading, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.” (Romans 1:17)
I thought about groups of people who desperately try to earn God’s favor: through works, through trying to be enough and through focusing on all they are not, rather than focusing on who Christ has made them to be.
Maybe they aren’t really, saved.
No sooner did I think this, than I felt an itch on my back. Something crawling up my neck. I flew out of my chair! Looked up! The spider was gone. Now, he was crawling up my neck.
God nudged me: “Kelly, be careful what and who you judge. That’s the enemy’s grounds.”
He’s right. The enemy is master accuser. Jesus is Master Advocate.
God, where else have I judged?
You judge when you think:
- Maybe these people are not believers if they think ____.
- At least I am better off than her. I don’t ____.
- This person has nothing to offer me.
- I can forgive this person because “what they went through” in their past. (As if I am in charge of deeming whether they’re worthy enough for forgiveness)
- I can’t forgive because ___ hasn’t (changed, said sorry, shown remorse, given me a good enough reason).
- This person will not be blessed because of how they are acting.
- If only they would ____, then ____.
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.” (Lu. 6:37)
I don’t have to know it all to know that God is the only one in charge. God is the only heart-reader. God is the only knower of intentions. God is the only discerner of motives. God is the master and I am a girl – solely given responsibility for one thing, herself (and loving others).
When I get overly-focused on other people and what they’re doing, I get myself tangled up into a web that’s nearly impossible to get out of.
God, help me not to judge what I know nothing about. And, help me not size up what only you have a handle on. Give me eyes to see where I need you, more than where others are falling short. Give me eyes to cast aside thoughts that keep me from understanding your grace, love and mercy. Help me to love others as you do. Help me to see the best in them, rather than their lack. Pour out grace on my judgment. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Great prayer. I need it. I am going to print it out to save it. Thank you, Kelly! And…sorry about the spider! 🙂
Beautiful prayer, Kelly. May we learn to see others through the lens of Christ and not judge in our own eyes. Have a blessed Thanksgiving week.
[…] with Kelly, Char, Meghan, Caroline, Mary, Joy, Randomosity, […]
What astute observations of yourself and aren’t we all guilty at times. Thanks for the reminder to “judge my judgements” if you will. laurensparks.net
Thanks for this reminder. I am here too often! Perhaps we are quick to judge because our insecurity demands a continual reevaluation: “She/he is different. Am I doing/being right?” My heart needs to continually hear Jesus’s invitation to come, take His yoke, and rest in Him . Then maybe I can let others rest also.
Thanks Kelly. That happened to me a few times God got my attention when I was deep in judgement, stung by a wasp! Don’t know why as Christians we do this to each other? I have judged, been judged, then get so fixed on judging those who judged me (who do they think they are, they don’t know my heart, all I have to deal with, my relationship with my Lord and Savior, etc!). So thankful for a loving Father who forgives us. Have a blessed Thanksgiving! Thankful for you!!!
We are so prone to this kind of judging, believing we know what is going on in someone else’s heart when Scripture teaches us that He alone is the Heart-Knower. Yet, we hate it when someone judges us that way. Thanks for reminding us. Happy Thanksgiving!
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The analogy in is this post is so strong, Kelly. Our “judge-y” thoughts can be incredibly deceptive and self-righteous. I needed this reminder.
Peace and grace,
Kelly, I’m guilty of judging others too. although I have gotten better, I can remember how many times I judged others when I was younger. Even still, the Holy Spirit pulls me up short when my thoughts go in a judging direction. We must remember to offer grace to others because God does, right?
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Thank you, Kelly, for this reminder. Much needed. Blessings for your Thanksgiving holiday!
Guilty! I found myself judging those that had judged over the weekend. I realized I was no different. Thank you.