Soaked, two kids were packed under my arms.
When angry kids are in tow it’s never easy to move the cattle.
Rain makes it even more precarious.
So, I kept a singular focus on the car and ran with all my might.
I had no idea that this “rain dash” was set to give me a clear lesson on how to see and seize God opportunities in my own life…
No sooner did I lock them into their carseats than I noticed my daughter’s pink boot was gone.
Can’t they just keep their shoes on!
Along our 4-block mad dash, the stinkin’ boot was lost. Anger and irritation welled up in me.
I stood, in the rain, feeling like a sopping mess – and probably looking like one too.
I wanted to give up. To shut down. To let the rain take control. So, when I saw a grey shadow approaching, embarrassed, I kept my head down. I tried to divert my eyes. I wanted to hide under the car…until, I noticed something in his hands…
…something pink.
This man stepped into the rain – to minister to my pain.
He saw my plight – and was determined to make things right.
He knew it was the right thing to do – and he handed me the shoe.
He transformed an about-to-lose-it-moment into an I’m-so-blessed-moment.
Because he let go of convenience – and stepped into rainy inconvenience he made the difference. Because he looked beyond comfort, to see – not his iPhone, his to-do list or his worries – he saw the opportunity – a struggling, frustrated mom.
Available to help.
Am I this way?
It got me to thinking, how often do I miss God’s opportunities because I am too focused on insecurities, worries and incapabilities? How often am I too focused on my phone, destination or tasks to see another?
When we can’t see past ourselves, we can’t see others.
When we can’t see others, we can’t see their pain.
When we can’t see hurts, we can’t love hurts.
We walk right past. Head down. We don’t see. We miss it. We miss out.
When I’m so busy doing, I can’t be seeing. Seeing another in need. Seeing a selfless act. Seeing God’s will.
I don’t want to be so consumed with myself, that I miss the chance to offer help to a hopeless person. I don’t want to be so consumed with myself, that I miss the chance to love a cancer-filled woman. I don’t want to be so consumed with myself that I miss the chance to hold hands with one in agony.
Because God has created me for more. He has created you for more. He has created us to love, to give, to run into the rain and to sacrifice for others. When we step outside of ourselves, we step into purpose, into joy and into meaning. There is nothing better.
He has given us gifts to encourage and love. Will we use them? He has joy within the embrace of a hug. Will we feel it? He has hurting souls right in our midst – on purpose. Will we see them?
If we can just keep our eyes up! If we can just be willing, ready and available – then we will see. We will see the great chances the Lord has set before us to sacrifice and to step out of our comfort zones to love another. We will see the world through new light.
This is the opportunity the Lord has set before us:
…The LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners…to comfort all who mourn…giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting…that He may be glorified. (Is. 61:1-3)
Lord, let us be vehicles of your good news. Let us see lives changed, hearts healed, hope renewed, then we will see lives improved. We will see your hand, your will and your glory at work.
I so want that.
I wan’t to be the person holding the pink boot for another sopping wet super frustrated, tired mom, don’t you?
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[…] up with Holly Barrett and Kelly Balarie. Check out their communities for […]
What a story, Kelly! I could relate to feeling and looking like a sopping mess. I was so relieved while I was reading, that the man brought your girl’s boot! (You pulled me into the story!)
But what I want to remember from your post is this: When we step outside of ourselves, we step into purpose! Yes! It’s so easy to get centered on ourselves and lose our purpose. Thanks for being faithful to record for others what God is showing you.
Thanks Betsy. I know, I was so thankful (totally scared at first, but then so thankful). These little moments can be so big, can’t they? God is so good to teach us. Thank you for visiting dear friend. I am excited about your series!
Thank you. I am choosing to see, feel and serve today.
I am so glad Astrid. You will be so richly rewarded. I stand with you today!
Mmmm! I love this idea! I am so thankful I saw it! Thank you for providing a place of encouragement!
I am so glad you are here Becky. It is a delight to have you. Join us on Twitter too on Monday’s for the #RaRalinkup portion. We encourage each other.
I loved this because it affirms again that God shows up in the ordinary of our day. He is always there. God also shows that there are going to be ordinary moments that we can bless others throughout the day too. I am visiting you for the first time but have been blessed by your encouragement on Twitter already. Thank you for the link up and for this community. Tuesday blessings!
Thanks Mary. It is the ordinary moments, where I tend to need so much help and no one sees. I am so glad you joined us today. I am excited to get to know you more Mary. Let’s keep our eyes open today and see what God has for us.
[…] with Essential Thing Devotions, The Art of Homemakng, The Modest Mom, Purposeful Faith, and A Little R & […]
Amen, Kelly- I’m lifting my eyes to what He has for me today. This is such a powerful message and beautifully crafted. My favorite line: “When we step outside of ourselves, we step into purpose, into joy and into meaning. ” Your writing is a blessing. Thank you!
Karen, I am so glad these words were a blessing to you. I am also so glad that God taught me a valuable lesson in love. He is so good to us. It is a joy to know you Karen and to walk with you!
[…] linked with Good Morning Mondays #raralinkup […]
Such a great reminder! If we really want to make a difference in the lives of others, it will usually require being “willing, ready, available to help” and be temporarily inconvenienced. 🙂
Blessings to you!
Danise, I am so glad that it was a helpful reminder. I have a hard time letting go of convenience sometimes, for sure. Thanks for commenting. Again, you bless me!
[…] up with Kelly Balarie & Friends to encourage and be encouraged. Come join […]
Isn’t it incredible to way God often intersects our day to bring a teachable moment into our lives! The challenge is to be receptive to those teaching moments our Father plans to have with us while also being aware of the opportunities all around us to serve and love others 🙂 Thank you for sharing this story today xx
Oh my Sarah! Yes, it is such a balance. It is such a hard thing to do it all at times. Thank goodness we have the Lord to lay back on. I don’t know what I would do without him!
I just love this so much, Kelly, because is truly speaks to why I believe God gave me SELFLESS as my word for 2015. To see beyond myself and see others. To serve others. “When we step outside of ourselves, we step into purpose, into joy and into meaning. There is nothing better.”
So good!
I will be by later to join your link-up.
What a good word Beth! To be selfless is such a worthy and authentic choice of words. It is so hard. God will bless your heart as you die to self!
[…] Shared with: Purposeful Faith […]
Beautiful post Kelly! My word for the year is Deeper, and that includes deeper relationships. Actually looking past myself and my “to-do” into others lives. Thank you!
I love the word deeper. God is directing you Ellen as you go farther and farther with him. I can’t wait to read what he will teach you.
Oh Kelly, I have been there so many times. Too busy with the next task on my to-do list to notice someone in need. Let our hearts and eyes to be open to your people, Lord. Thanks for sharing this powerful message. It hits home.
I hear you. The to-do list can be a list of distraction sometimes. Thanks for your words Abby. I am so glad the message hits home. It is an honor.
I am soooo feelin’ you, girl!! I, too have been the mommy with kids up to my armpits and shoes, sippy cups, and blankies tumbling in all directions.
Usually that scene is met with snooty looks or none at all. Sometimes as VISIBLE as all that is, I feel completely INVISIBLE with people keeping to themselves even though the cup all but FELL on their foot!
This is a beautiful illustration!
And it helped me think about how I can bless someone in the small things.
The little things can mean so much sometimes!
Love it, Kelly!!
I am glad you enjoyed it. I am messy mom more days than not. Tired and worn mommas often are overlooked. Let’s see the needy and run to their rescue Christy!
This is a great lesson in compassion isn’t it Kelly? It’s funny in what ways God can use our everyday circumstances to reveal Himself and how He wants to see us move…when He uses others to move to us. I love everything about this and trust me, I am so much more often the frustrated mama in the rain than the one lending a helping hand. Thanks for the reminder today to lift my eyes to focus on the needs of those around me. xo
I am glad it was relatable. I know, I do want to come outside of myself. It can be hard, but it is worth it! Thanks Meredith for leaving a comment. I love hearing what you have to say!
This is the perfect reminder to be open and READY to let God work through us! Often we miss the chance to minister or to extend kindness only because we are so focused on ourselves. May we treasure the challenge to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Happy New Year!
Yes Sarah Ann! Let’s be the hands that serve and the feet that go to those in pain. I so want to be available. Thank you for your comment!
[…] up with #RaRaLinkUp […]
[…] up with the lovely folk at #TheLoft and also Kelly’s Cheerleading Linkup at Purposeful Faith! […]
Oh how I love this. What a great reminder… I have had the word “intentional” for the last few years because I think it speaks to this very thing. I have to stop being busy in order to be intentional…in order to see opportunities to serve, encourage, love. This year I added the word “challenge” to it – Intentional Challenge. I want to live loud. Be bold. Unwrap more gifts from God in the everyday life. Thanks for your encouragement!
What an excellent focus! I am right there with you. I don’t want to miss it Deanna. I like how you made it a challenge. It sounds exciting! Thank you so much for linking and commenting. It is a joy to have you.
I love this story Kelly. I wanted to cry right along side you until you got that pink boot back. I can image the love you felt not only from this man, but from our Lord. Isn’t it amazing, even when we’ve given up and admitted, “Great, I lost the boot,” God says “No you haven’t–I’m not done yet!” I got goosebumps just reading that part and thinking about your super-hero. (Also, what a beautiful gift you gave that man.)
Keep on working for the only Kingdom that will never fade away.
Kelly sweet friend you make my heart sing with my FAVORITE verses, my life verses tucked gently into this post. I thank God for teachable moments great and small. A most excellent, heartfelt post!
[…] am linked up over at Kelly Balarie and Friends today. Be sure to check them out they have other great blogs to check […]
Yes! So sweet. There are those who are tuned in to following God’s direction, and making the most of every opportunity to serve:) something we should all strive to do!
[…] (This post is part of Kelly Balarie’s #raralinkup at her blog, Purposeful Faith.) […]
Thanks for sharing this!
Thank you for joining in this. It is a pleasure to have you linking up!
“When we step outside of ourselves, we step into purpose, into joy and into meaning.” Yes, yes, and triple YES! I love this post. Beautiful words for my soul today. (And I sort of now want a pair of pink boots!) 🙂
[…] with Cornerstone Confessions, Missional Women, Whole Hearted Home, Mom’s Morning Coffee, Time-Warp Wife, Purposeful […]
[…] this new year by joining with the lovely communities at Coffee For Your Heart, Tell His Story, Cheerleaders of Faith, and Three Word […]
[…] today with encouragers at Kelly Balarie’s #RaRaLinkup, Jennifer Dukes Lee’s #TellHisStory, and Holley Gerth’s Coffee for Your […]
Thanks for the invite to this link up. Is this a weekly link up? Is it every Wednesday?
Yes, it is a weekly linkup on every Wednesday!
Your insights are enchanting. They are thought provoking.
I have to admit I’ve missed opportunities.
Opportunities to find peace.
Opportunities to encourage.
Opportunities to minister.
Opportunities to serve.
Opportunities to disciple.
Fortunately, our God is forgiving.
He refreshes our portion of daily bread. He gives us more opportunity.
Thank You…
Thank you Art. I am so glad that you enjoyed it. There are so many opportunities that the Lord sets before us – if we only just open the eyes of our heart. Thank you for being so honest about your experience. I hope that you can pursue the Lord with all your heart this year.
Praise God that He chooses us not for our ability, but for our availability! May we not miss any of the opportunities He offers us. Thanks for the great post & for hosting & God bless!
Thank you so much. I know, I am so thankful that the Lord just wants us to see him in all things. He is so good!
[…] up with Kelly Balarie, and Holly Barrett to encourage and be encouraged. Come join […]
What a wonderful post, Kelly. One that I so totally agree with and I love how you put it….”When we step outside of ourselves we step into purpose.” Thanks for sharing your great story and thoughts. God bless!
Thank you. I hope and pray we can see what the Lord sets before us. Thank you for this Christine. Much love to you.
[…] use your God-given talents to shine brightly in this dark world… Linking up with the #RaRaLinkup and Testimony Tuesday today and #TellHisStory, Woman2Woman, Coffee For Your Heart, and Three Word […]
[…] with encouraging Kelly B. of #RaRaLinkup which is hosted this week by Abby […]