Blog Post by Abby McDonald
The morning was full of potential. I got up on time, didn’t check social media, and made the kids breakfast.
Then, after dropping my son off at the bus stop, I checked my email. And everything went downhill.
The intent of the message was positive. My reaction to it was not.
This successful blogger wanted to let me in on all of the secrets to success. And I’m sure deep down somewhere that I craved this knowledge.
But what I saw? The numbers. How many readers visited her site. How much income she brought in each month. It was though these stats represented some invisible gate-keeper and I was stuck on the outside, pushing a door that wouldn’t budge.
Comparison turns our vision into opposition. It turns our joy into jealousy.
As I sat there that Tuesday morning basking in self-pity, and knew I needed an attitude adjustment. And do you know what’s beautiful about asking God to change your attitude?
He always answers.
Sometimes he asks us to take a good long look at ourselves. Other times he sends a word of encouragement through a friend or family member. But he never fails to deliver.
On this particular weekend in mid-winter, he drew my attention to my kids. Particularly my oldest son.
My firstborn delights in new responsibilities, no matter how small. You can give him the house key to open the side door as you labor up the steps with groceries, and he will skip to complete the task.
But more than that, he does it with love. Which is something I forgot in my moment of temporary insanity and comparison.
As my son grows older, my husband and I increase his jobs around the house. He takes care of the pets and helps clean up around the house, and we reward him for his efforts. But we don’t start him off with a huge list of chores to do. Nor do we trust him things we know are beyond his ability.
If we look at scripture, God follows the same pattern. When we first read of God’s call on David he is out in the middle of a field, tending sheep. When the angel of the Lord appears to Moses, he is tending the flock as well.
The Lord is pleased when we take the same care with the small as we do with the big. As a matter of fact, the Word tells us he “rejoices” in it.
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” Zechariah 4:10 NLT
Friends, God does not see our work in the same way we do. And aren’t you glad? With each step you take to glorify his name and make him known, he is honored. He rejoices over you.
The absolute best words we could expect to hear from God on the other side of this life are, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Not, “Congrats on all the followers you had on Twitter,” or “That was a really solid platform you spent all those years building.”
It’s his platform, not ours. Let’s remember that even in the small, he is always faithful.
Even when we misstep.
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Abby McDonald is a writer who can’t contain the lavish love of a God who relentlessly pursues her, even during her darkest times. When she’s not chasing her two little boys around, she loves hiking, photography, and consuming copious amounts of coffee with friends.
Abby would love to connect with you on her blog, Twitter, and Facebook.