I just could not do enough, be enough or feel good enough.
Each failure seemed to add more weight to by back:
Try, fail. More weight.
Work, get nowhere. More weight.
Achieve, go unrecognized. More weight.
Accomplish, but desire more. More weight.
My body was at a breaking point. I couldn’t handle it; I couldn’t cope.
Because if you’re an achiever – and you don’t achieve –
you’re really just a failure in training.
If you’re an achiever – who comes in second place –
you are really just a loser without a cause.
If you’re an achiever – who achieved-
you’re really only as good as your last achievement.
Striving and perfectionism waged war in my life and led me to become a dying frame of an anorexic girl. They led me to seek refuge in selfishness, bitterness and depression.
All my work to gain love, had only left me feeling – unloved.
But, Christ is doing a mighty work in my life as I have relinquished control. More and more, he is helping me see that achievement, based on self, is one of the main requirements of the devil.
Google definitions:
a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill.
to cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority.
Achievement that is not based in a response of obedience to the Gods’ authority, is obedience to the wrong authority.
This authority of the unseen world, loves to see our hearts inclined to self-authority. No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other… (Mt. 6:24)
Whom do you follow?
What do you follow?
When we struggle against achievement, we go arm to arm with God to fight for authority.
When we struggle with achievement, we stand up and say, I can do it better than you.
When we struggle with achievement, we see ourselves – and look away from God.
It boils down to pride.
And, it’s no wonder it feels like it may break our backs.
Because Jesus has already carried this load and it is no longer ours to carry. His body was already broken for you and for me.
The price has been paid. It is finished. We are free from the heavy burdens of self-sufficiency, because Christ is 100% sufficient.
He calls us to unload and let go, by saying:
– My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. (2 Cor. 12:9)
– For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Eph. 2:8-9)
– Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Mt. 11:28-29)
He calls us to freedom in him.
He calls us to rest in his ways.
He calls us to trust by faith.
He calls us to follow his will.
He calls us to life in Him.
He calls us to prayer with hope.
He calls us to seek his ways.
He calls us to follow his truth.
He calls us to find peace in his leading.
Here we are safe under the right authority – as we submit to the one who will protect us, guide us and help us.
Christ has already done the work.
The law has been completely fulfilled. The grace has been completely poured out. The condemnation has been completely removed.
I no longer have to struggle to make the world pleased with Kelly, because God is well pleased with Kelly.
I no longer have to be beholden to my own ways, because Jesus is the only way.
I no longer have to fear the outcomes of others, because my outcome is secure – eternity awaits!
Just drop the weight! It feels so good. Why carry around a back full of loaded bricks? Why not unload them into the arms of Christ? This way he can instruct you and guide you as you build your earthly and eternal house – brick by brick by brick – according to his will.
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. (Ps. 127:1)
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We humans can easily grow weary carrying weights that we are free from in Christ! And as much as I enjoy encouragement from this RaRa day, I know the greatest, most secure, IRON CLAD approval I have is IN CHRIST!!!
And as Hebrews 3 says, we need exhorting constantly!
Thanks for this reminder, Kelly! I love your heart for Jesus!! ☺️
Yes, that is so right Christy! Let’s rely on the encouragement of the one who speaks all truth and power. We need his words and truth most of all. Thank you for the comment. XOXO
Kelly, it seems as though achievement and the need for it sneaks up on me and then I am knee-deep in expectation and dissapointment. Thank you for the reminder that Jesus already fought this battle for me! Love your message. Xoxox
Thank you Sarah. Yes, that is so right. Expectation is one of my biggest enemies. ha! Disappointment comes like the plague and then Jesus loves to say to me, “who is doing the work here?” Great point. Much love to you sister. Loved your post on Holly’s site. Powerful!
First thank you for making my day. What a blessing to start my day with the overwhelming message that God’s grace is sufficient for me. I understand how achievement is only going to keep us motivated if it is bigger and better the next time. That is a huge load to carry. How wonderful is it to remember that God doesn’t ask that from us nor expects that. He is our strength and love. He is all we need! Have a blessed day!
Mary, I am so glad that I made your day. What an honor that is! God is so good to us! Have a blessed day too and thank you for your comment.
Kelly, I first learned how God is pleased with me regardless of what I achieve when I read the book Search for Significance by Robert McGee. It was life-changing for me, comparing Satan’s lies with God’s truth. I’m still growing and learning that I don’t have to achieve things to please God. I like your list of the things He calls us to.
Betsy, sounds like a great book. God frees us in so many ways. Finding his nature, is when we find truth. I am so thankful not to be tied down anymore. Much love to you Betsy and thank you for your comment!
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Love the message in today’s post! This line really spoke to me: “If you’re an achiever – who achieved-you’re really only as good as your last achievement.” Such truth…even when we FINALLY managed to “arrive,” the next weight of achievement is already beckoning. Thanks so much for freely sharing your heart and for hosting a party where we can be encouraged AND encourage others.
Amen! You are so welcome. Thank you so much for joining me here. It is so refreshing to find encouragement in each other! Much love to you.
Wow. What a powerful piece. You gave me so much to think about, yet still left me so encouraged. This line packs quite a punch: “Achievement that is not based in a response of obedience to the Gods’ authority, is obedience to the wrong authority.” Amen.
A beautiful post, Kelly. Thank you.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, does this ever describe me! A controller, a perfectionist…recovering, but still walking it out. Because of never FEELING good enough or smart enough or thin enough, I drove myself right into the ditch of anorexia in my late teens and twenties. That is a demon that can never be satisfied. But, to the praise of His glorious grace, I walk in freedom today. Jesus is enough, when I will never be. What an encouraging post, Kelly! Blessings to you.
Leah, you and I sound a lot alike. I am recovering too – it can be a hard thing to let go of. But, God is so much better, so much easier and full of so much more joy. Let’s continue to hold his hand and let him help us! Love you dearly!
Powerful post friend. Thank you for letting us in and helping us throw off the weight as we choose His way, His acceptance, His love. You are a blessing. You are beautiful. You are complete in Christ.:) Love to you today as we live free.
Thank you Katie for your comment. It is a joy to see your smiling face. I choose his love – I have so much less to offer myself. 😉 Thank you for your words of love to me I feel the same about you.
[…] Linked to Good Morning Mondays Inspire Me Monday Mondays Soul Survial Monday’s Musings RaRaLinkup […]
Perfect timing! I needed this exact encouragement today as I face new challenges and tasks. It’s not about what I write/say. I don’t have to sit and worry over the words. God has written them! He has prepared this tasks ahead of me and I just need to ask Him what to do every step of the way.
“Just drop the weight! It feels so good. Why carry around a back full of loaded bricks? Why not unload them into the arms of Christ? This way he can instruct you and guide you as you build your earthly and eternal house – brick by brick by brick – according to his will.” 🙂
Thank you for the awesome words of wisdom today Kelly.
You are so welcome Sarah. This post is SO MUCH a note to myself. It is Gods’ words of truth – to me. I am glad that it spoke to you too. Thank you for blessing me with your comment (even though I know God already approves! ha!).
This is so encouraging today. Thank you for sharing so candidly about your struggle with weight…naturally and spiritually! Time for all of us to start laying it aside one brick/pound (or whatever measure) at a time! #RaRaLinkUp
That is right Yolanda. Let’s lay our burdens down! Let’s drop our fears, insecurities and anxieties at the feet of Jesus!
Wow, this hit home today. I didn’t even realize how much I’ve been struggling with achievement…well, I guess I did but didn’t want to look at it…trying to achieve success in my blog (building up followers/competing with other bloggers/trying to get my site as great as theirs/wanting to add wonderful buttons boasting of all my achievements which I don’t have so how can I do these things so I can add these buttons and show you that I am really wonderful?) and in my efforts to get published…may I just say…Yuck…
Thanks for this post today, Kelly. I really needed to be convicted.
Right?! It is so subtle, and that is often what is most scary about it. I don’t want to get so caught up in what I am doing – that I miss – Him. I am right here with you – working through it. Much love to you. I am glad the message spoke to you.
[…] Sharing with Sunday Stillness, Living Proverbs 31, Making your home sing, Mama Moments Monday, Modest Monday, Amaze Me Monday, Titus 2 Tuesday, Testimony Tuesday, Rara linkup […]
I think most of my life I would try so hard to be a people pleaser, thinking I needed approval. God has been teaching me that He is the only one I need approval from. My identity is found in Him and I never have to try to prove myself. It doesn’t matter what others think if I am following Christ. I also need to remember not to put burdens on myself by demanding more than I should. Thank you for reminding us that “We are free from the heavy burdens of self-sufficiency, because Christ is 100% sufficient.”
Gayl, you are so welcome. It is so easy to get into the “shoulds” and Jesus is just thinking about the “already have” he has completed. I am right there with you. I am glad he is teaching this to you!
Wow, Kelly, You really hit it out of the park with this one. I love this line: “Achievement that is not based in a response of obedience to the Gods’ authority, is obedience to the wrong authority.” Amen, sister! Thank you for speaking the truth so many of us need to hear.
Thank you Abby. I don’t want to be following the wrong authority. I am the biggest recipient of my own message. Much love to you sister!
[…] in with Kelly Balarie @ Purposeful Faith #raralinkup and Holly Barrett @ Testimony […]
Oh, how true, Kelly! If we would just surrender, the weight would be lifted! If we would stop resisting, we could start relaxing in His arms! Thaks for this, friend!
Amen Ellen. I SO struggle with laying it down! Your prayer is so true – let us just surrender Lord! I love your heart and that I am getting to know it. Thanks Ellen.
Great post as always Kelly. Thank you for starting this linkup and inviting me to be a part of it. God bless!
Hi David, I love having you as a part of this group. It would not be the same without you. I cheer you on with passion, my friend. Bless you!
Girl you spoke to the Martha in me. Thanks for reminding me to just relax in His arms. I am loved just as I am. Beautifully written friend. #raralinkup!
[…] Linking today with Kelly and her encouraging community at Purposeful Faith and the #RaRaLinkUp. Find inspiration by clicking {here}. […]
I no longer have to strive to please the world, because God is already pleased with me. What a wonderful reminder for this soul today Kelly. Love this! I so appreciate you sharing your heart and opening up about your struggles with perfectionism and with food/weight. Been there girl, and get it. Blessings!
Thank you Nicki. Struggles around food are so hard. Thank you for understanding and for having such a warm compassionate heart. I so value your comment and your love!
Thank you, Kelly. I have walked a similar road, having struggled with anorexia for five years. The root of my battle was definitely achievement, but the truth that Jesus loves me, not my performance, set me free. Thank you for sharing so bravely and for inspiring us to be receivers, not achievers. Grateful for you!
Thank you Renee. It is a very tough road, but God is so faithful through it. I am glad that you came through too. So many don’t. We are so loved, unconditionally by our master. And, while lies still come – we are set free. How blessed we are! Thank you for sharing this with me Renee. We automatically get each other.
Sometimes listening is better than speaking. I’m just listening to your heart this week Kelly. It’s beautiful. Ready and listening when you’re ready to share more.
Thank you Deborah. Thank you for listening. There is more to share and I appreciate your willingness and wisdom around that.
Thank you for this beautiful, much needed encouragement! I too am weighed down by a need to achieve. I definitely want to take those bricks and “unload them into the arms of Christ.” I so appreciate your invites on Twitter the past few weeks. I’m happy to have finally made it to link up with you today! Looking forward to getting to know you better :).
Candace, I am so delighted that you are here. I can’t wait to read what you have written on your blog. Thank you so much for joining. I am so grateful that we have a Savior who just loves to carry our loads. It’s amazing, isn’t it? Much love to you. I am excited to get to know you more too!
Oh yes, that dreaded word, achievement. It sometimes brings out the worst in me, I’m ashamed to say. Thanks for the reminder that God brings out the best in me! Blessings!
I completely get you Kristine. It’s a constant battle. I am so glad God has designed it so we can encourage each other in truth. I am thankful for your comment and you!
Kelly as a recovering perfectionist I know this all too well. But I bask today in knowing in Him I am complete.
Oh yes, and he frees us from the need to achieve. Let’s just praise him. I am so thankful that Jesus came to provide another way.
I love this, my friend! It breathes such confidence in Him! So thankful for this Community you have gathered here!
Thank you Karrilee, I so value you and your comments. Thank you for encouraging me and thank you for making this community so special! Cheering you.
Kelly, this is such a powerful piece! I’m always amazed by you! You will be a great inspiration to every person that you encounter because of how deep THE PRESENCE of GOD runs within you! Keep thriving in HIM, Love! You are truly blessed to be a blessing and you’re doing it incredibly well! 🙂
Thank you Jesus, thank you Spirit and thank you God. We are so grateful that you live inside of us! We are changed because of you. Tai, I just love you girl. You are a friend that I hold tight.
Oh, how I can relate. I appreciate your transparency and the hope you share. It’s not about our achievement, but Christ’s. Amen, friend! Beautiful post!
Thank you Julie. Thank you so much for reading it and for joining me. You are a gift.
Such much awesome truth and grace in your post…Thank you…I was taught from a young age about achievement as being the most important part of my identity and I’m constantly having to go to God and remind myself His perspective on me….my true identity as God’s beloved 🙂
Yes, it is such a hard thing to change. I am, like you, so trained in it. It becomes a constant fight, but they Lord gives us the sword of the Spirit, so we are well equipped. Thank you for joining me here today Donny. It is a gift to have you!
“He calls us to freedom in him.” Love this! He calls us to a lot of things…if only we will silence our minds and listen with our hearts. Sometimes, he even calls us to “dance”. Beautiful piece! Thoroughly enjoyed reading it! So glad I stopped by!
I am still thinking about the being called to dance part, Mitzi. I loved that you dropped that back on me today. I gotta find “the dance”.
Great post! I can certainly identify with it. Thanks for the encouraging post to help us keep things in perspective. ~gina
You bet Gina! Thanks for the comment. It is a joy to have you and I am glad the post was encouraging!
Kelly, I identify very strongly with this post and feel like could to read this 5 times a day and still need the reminder to trust in God. I am amazed that the journey you have taken has provided you such wisdom and understanding with such a profound challenge as dealing with achievement such as this. I was taken aback with the clarity of your passage:
“Because if you’re an achiever – and you don’t achieve –
you’re really just a failure in training.
If you’re an achiever – who comes in second place –
you are really just a loser without a cause.
If you’re an achiever – who achieved-
you’re really only as good as your last achievement.”
Did you come up with that? You have a true gift with language. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.
Theresa, I am delighted that you enjoyed this. These are my words. Love you sister. It takes a continual meditation on God’s truth for me to really start to change. I am seeing the change and the more you keep on the safe ground of truth, the more truth will dwell in you. I love you so much and am cheering your growth as I grow too!
Truly love your writing and your heart for the Lord! You always challenge me and stimulate my thinking! God bless you for your love for Him and for encouraging others in their walks of faith!
Stephanie, thank you so much. Your words really touch my heart. I am so glad I am getting you to thinking. I am so after my growth and growth for others! Much love.
Kelly Thank you for this and I am sorry I came on too late to link up. I will know to get here earlier next time. Thanks for the encouragement
Thank you Carolyn. I am delighted you are here! I just realized you are at an old blog post. I will send it to you via Twitter.
[…] to My side; it’s a good place to be.Love,Me Linking-up with Testimony Tuesday and the #RaRaLinkup on Tuesday and then Woman 2 Woman, Coffee For Your Heart, Three Word Wednesday and Tell His Story […]