Do you know what a boat is? I sure hope so!
A boat is what you float around in so you don’t get wet. It is what takes you safely from one place to another. It is what feels comfortable. It is the go-to way to get where you want to go when you’re not on land. It is what brings you to where you want to go by your own driving efforts.
It’s an easy way. A man-driven way. Walking on water is a hard way. It requires God.
What would it look like to get out of your boat? To give God a chance to do the miraculous? To answer Jesus’ call to, “Come,” by putting yourself out there in ways that look risky?
“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
“Come,” he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. (Mt. 14:28-29)
Notice, before you can ever walk on water, you have to get out of your boat. You have to get out of your boat, despite the high waves, the strong winds and the boat that’s tossing to-and-fro.
You have to do what Peter did and say, “So what? God is bigger than this stuff around me.”
What is your boat? Is it reactionary tactics that keep your heart safe from people who may hurt you? Is it manipulative words? Is it compulsive tendencies? Is it rote prayers? Is it going to church on Sunday but staying far from God on the weekdays? Is it a heart shut down to your husband?
We all have our boats. Mine is the fear I’ll go the wrong way and somehow not do right by God.
So what? Even if I fear I might not do right by Him, does that mean I stop writing? Or, do I get out of my boat and trust he will, “rescue those who love me and protect those who trust in my name.” (Ps. 91:14) Indeed, I don’t shut down. I hop out da’ boat. I write and trust Him to take care of my soul.
To hop off the boat is powerful. Because it makes us see Jesus right before us. It puts us in a place of reliance, where all our soul needs — is Him. He is our only hope. I believe this type of walk is beautiful to God. It removes the waste on the left and the right and teaches our mind to need Him, Jesus.
How is God calling you, right now, to hop out of your boat and to need Him? Do it. It just might turn into the greatest miracle of your life.
Kelly’s new book, Fear Fighting: Awakening Courage to Overcome Your Fears has been called “A must read,” “Breathtakingly honest” and a “Great Toolbox to Overcome Fear.” Read it today.
Discover how to flee from fear and fly in faith through 4 Days to Fearless Challenge.
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[…] week I’m linking up with #RaRaLinkup, Jennifer Dukes Lee, and Holley […]
It is so important to step out of the boat and walk towards where the Lord’s presence is. The security we can have in an Almighty God exceeds the security of our tiny boat.
Glad to link up as well:)
Thank you for calling out to us as we ride the wives together! Getting out of the boat is so much easier when we know others are also throwing a leg over the gunwale and hoping not to lose a shoe in the process.
Michele and Kelly,
I really do feel that we blogger girls are helping each other to ride the waves together. Love both of you and thankful God has connected us all. Praying blessings over your lives, family, ministry and blogs.
Have a totally blessed day!
~Sherry Stahl
Kelly, you always make me think and then want to do. I love how you said, “So what…” Because often we let the fretting become bigger than His power, which just can’t happen!
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I ABSOLUTLEY love this post! My life is so out of the boat. It’s more fun here!!!!
Praying you learn to surf the waves in style 🙂
~Sherry Stahl
Kelly, you really gave me some things to think about. Our “boat” can be any number of things. I can certainly relate to your fear of going the wrong way, and doing wrong by God. This has been a constant struggle of mine. Fear of messing up bigtime holds me back.I have to constantly remind myself that God’s grace is bigger!
Thank you for this lovely reminder!
Amen – We have to get out of the boat. I love having this picture in my mind when I am struggling to do something I know God has called me to do.
I hope you saw I nominated you for the “Liebster Award.” I posted it above in the link-up. Your words continually inspire me to want to reach for something more.
Maree Dee
Yes, it’s easy to stick to where we feel comfortable and we can deal with things for ourselves, but it’s much better when we step out in faith and see what God can do when we’re not trusting in ourselves but in him. Thanks for this encouragement!
Get off of it, not whatever floats it.
Love and need this challenge in my life! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Peter keeps showing up in my life over and over…and now here he is again! You are so right, we prove our faithfulness and trust by taking that first step of leaving our comfort zone. Very thought provoking! Thank you for today’s link up!
I have areas of my life where I’m quick to get out of the boat, but then there are those self-protected areas where it’s not so easy. Thanks for the challenge, Kelly. God is always calling us into deeper waters with Him, isn’t He!