Purposeful Faith

Category - Contentment

Finding true contentment

Dealing with Enticing Feelings


I remember hearing someone say, “No one ever set out with the goal to become a drug addict or an adulterer.”

There is a lot of truth to that statement. No one grew up as a child and said, “When I get older I want to become a meth addict.” Nor did they say, “My goal when I am older is to cheat and to have an affair.”

Sin subtly woos people into outcomes they never intended to have. Sin creeps, until one day, it attacks us and eats us alive, bringing a terrible and suddenly rock-bottom outcome.

I’ve seen it happen with people. A little compromise leads to a complete take-over of what — they never dreamed would happen. The little sin, that started as a small conviction, becomes the massive sin, they never dreamed would happen. A little hug leads to more… A little drink leads to AA. A little shopping, they sensed was too much, became addiction.

“The wages of sin are death…” (Ro. 6:23)

Sin left unchecked leads to death.

Think: The woman at the work event – sins a little — and drinks too much. The drink turns into a hug with a co-worker, who then invites her a step further. Her guard is down. Deception may create the termination of her marriage due to her actions.

My point in writing all this is to remind us – don’t let your guard down. Don’t say, “A little bit of this is okay…”, “well, I guess it is okay to try this pharmaceutical drug even though I don’t need it…”, “why not watch that movie even though I know I shouldn’t?”, or “a little flirting with that guy at work couldn’t hurt me.”

The little can be the gateway to the big.

Friends, I talk to myself here. I remind myself of all these things. I am never too far from a fall and I must remember this. The line is always closer than it seems. A little bit of sin – in my life – has every opportunity to open the door to more.

Sin – be it big, or little — is never okay with God. Not a tad, not a bit.

“So, beloved, since you are looking forward to these things, be diligent and make every effort to be found by Him [at His return] spotless and blameless, in peace [that is, inwardly calm with a sense of spiritual well-being and confidence, having lived a life of obedience to Him].” (2 Pet. 3:14)

Remember: Obedience to God is deliverance from every lure of the enemy.

Continually, the devil is alluring, enticing, and making us believe all things are permissive.

But, we combat this when we see these lures as a direct affronts to our relationship with God and our love for Jesus. When we become offended by attacks of enticement and seduction.

What is trying to lure you? What may you be starting to give in to? What feels enticing? What may you have given a little room to? What are you doing that you know you shouldn’t?

Love helps us to see what we don’t want to see. And, while today’s post feels hard-hitting, I want to help save those I love from going the wrong way, so they can be blessed in all His ways.

I love you.

Prayer: Father, we see, today, what we don’t want to see. We see the sin, the snare and the enticements that so easily entangle. Today, we repent of flirting with sin. We repent of opening doors that could lead to our own destruction. We turn from our wicked ways and look to you again. Will you forgive us? Will you impart grace to go a new way? We trust you to keep us and to guide us. We trust you to love us and to keep us. Thank you that you leave the 99 sheep to go after the one. Today, we receive your love as that one. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Get Out of That Old Pit

Did you experience a pit in 2022?

Last year, I didn’t accomplish as much as I wanted.
Last year, I didn’t share on social media as much as I hoped.
Last year, I didn’t make as many new friends as I should have.
Last year, I didn’t believe in myself as much as God did.
Last year, I’m not sure I trusted that God had good things for me.

What pit did you find yourself in 2022?

I don’t ask so we can have a joint pity-party from the depths of our dark pits. I ask because healing is available to us, right here and right now.

The light of Christ works and is ready to illuminate whole new paths, outlooks, and escape doors to us, right now. What is revealed, gets healed by the light of Christ.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (Jo. 1:5)

“The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.” (Ro. 13:12)

“This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” (1 Jo. 1:5)

God’s light has complete power to remove all bits of darkness residing in us, so much so that we can walk out of old things, wearing a super-powered armor of God’s light. How did this work for me and my situation?

First, in the solitude of my quiet time with God, I brought my ugly pit of 2022 to Jesus. I closed my eyes and confessed it to him. I felt the shame and the sorrow. I didn’t hate myself. I acknowledged it for what it was before Him, without hiding. I cried.

Then, I saw it in my mind…the actual pit. I could imagine what that thing looked like. The deepness. The sadness. The self-discouragement.

But, do you know what else I noticed? The pit had stairs right out of it. There was no sewer cap over it.

Because of the saving-work of Jesus on the cross, all dark pits have no cover over them. They also have stairs out. For each one of us, Jesus offers us a free escape route right up and out of old decrepit pits. His light reveals this truth.

“…He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Cor. 10:13)

There is always a way up and out, thanks to Jesus. There is no pit unconquerable, no situation impossible, no person immovable, no year unredeemable, thanks to the light and the saving work of Christ Jesus.

Every pit has an open roof and stairs up and out. “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” (Mt. 19:26) Don’t believe that you are stuck there for 2023.

With God, everything is possible. Your marriage is still possible. Your mental health is still possible. Your children coming to Jesus is still possible. If God is still believing it is possible, don’t disagree with Him. Agree with God.

Prayer: Father God, give me the power and the ability to believe your truth as my truth this 2023. I take your way of escape and receive it now, for my unique situation. I am not sitting in a pit any longer; I am climbing up and out. Thank you that receiving freedom is a whole lot easier than I’ve made it out to be, by the power of your grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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From Bothered to Blessed

reconstruction zone

“I don’t like that cross very much, mom! I don’t really want it in my design,” declared my son.

My son was intent on having the perfect design on the Christmas ornament he was decorating online.

Considering his viewpoint, I, too, considered the cross on the screen. I could understand his viewpoint. On face value, there were gaps in each of the horizontal and vertical lines that made up Jesus’ cross. There were odd-shaped lines, protruding weirdly at the end of each bar.

But, at the same time, I knew my son was not grasping the full picture being portrayed. While he saw gaps, I saw something else emerge to make up the cross. And, I knew, what I saw may change his entire view and outlook on how he was seeing his design….

“Son,” I said, “Did you realize that this cross is not weird, but it is actually made up of the nails…. the very nails Jesus took on our behalf? Look closer…”

He did. And then uttered, “Wow, mom.”

He loved that cross, after having his eyes opened to see…

Sometimes, like happened with Michael, we see weirdness, things that look off, situations that appear all wrong, people who handle things incorrectly, time that looks wasted, moves that should have happened by now – but I wonder, if we look just a little bit closer, might we, instead of detesting what we see, come out seeing things we couldn’t see before? God’s goodness may be staring us right in the face, if only we look a little closer.

Just as Michael saw a botched design, I can’t help but think how botched up the people must have considered Jesus’ death on the cross. This is how The King of Kings would end things? This is what it looks like when God comes to earth? Nails and a whip? Death and shame? Embarrassment and ridicule?

But, a third-day view changed everything. Suddenly the one who was killed, the one whose life was considered washed-up, got lifted up, in glory! The one who was ridiculed? Now is ruling, in power from on high.

Jesus proves, there is now 100,000% no impossible situation for resurrection-life power, thanks to the always-working, ever-flowing goodness of the always-effective cross.

Jesus is not weak; Jesus NEVER falls from His throne. Jesus is not out of the office; Jesus never takes a time-out from His rule. Jesus is not absent; He does not become unaware of our heart, prayers and thoughts.

God has all power to raise anything up on the third day! My friends? Gain a hope and a new perspective in anything weighing you down.

Speak life to old dreams. Believe-the-best, rather than expecting the worst. Apply faith rather than walking in fear.

God hasn’t forgotten you; He is preparing you. God isn’t teasing you; He is strengthening you in your wait to trust His nature and character more than your flesh and rash reactions. Why? I believe, it’s so you can withstand any wind or torrent and so you can be as bold as a lion and as strong as a mature believer!

What annoyance can you now see Jesus in? What relationship is God allowing because it is about to bring profound glory to Him? What bummer let-down is really a divine set-up for a God-miracle?

See from fresh eyes. See Him. See the nails. See the cost. Love costs something. See the resurrection-life power about to come as you lay down your life and find His.

I love you very much. I am praying for you now…

Prayer: God, life gets hard. But, God, you are always good. Help us all to not only see your goodness, but to experience your goodness at work in the details of our day. Father? Fill our eyes, with the fullness of your ways, so we experience your resurrection-life power in all our days. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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When People Don’t Listen To You

we all want

Last night, I shared with my daughter, “Sometimes, I speak and you do not answer me at all. Sometimes I share something important and you don’t even listen.”

Frankly, these words I spoke to her were charged with pent-up frustration. You see, I have a short window to share wisdom with these children, and then they’re out in the big world, fending for themselves. I want them to hear what they need to know, before what they see is temptation, they don’t know what to do with.

Is this issue rooted in fear versus faith? Likely.

In any case, it’s been happening a lot in the car. I often get the reply of, “Mommy, I just want to look out the window.” Or, “Mom!!!!” My husband doesn’t speak up for me when it happens. So, I feel unloved, unheard, and unvalued when this happens.

Have you ever been there? Have you ever felt unheard and unvalued by those you love? Do you have important things to communicate that are overlooked at home or in the marketplace? Does it aggravate you?

It can be uber-frustrating and it can feel very personal when people don’t care what you have to say. I understand.

Do you want to know my daughter’s reply? She said, “Mom? Often, I don’t even hear you.”


Many times, when we’re offended, people are oblivious. Our feelings have no meaning when misunderstanding is involved. To us? We’re furious. To them? Oblivious. Misunderstanding, then, opens an enemy door in the heart of the offended one. The enemy of our soul seeks to make, us, the offended ones – more offended!

The only way out of misunderstanding is — conversations. Clarification. Asking. Understanding. Seeking. Listening.

In my case, my daughter didn’t mean to hurt me; she was just in her own world.

Yet, will there be other times when people don’t listen — and they should? How will I respond? How will I continue forward without harboring unforgiveness or anger? Without opening a door to the enemy who is trying to make me more offended?

This verse is something I can stand on: “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ro. 15:5-6 NIV)

Even when others don’t hear me, God wants me to hear His ever-flowing encouragement. He also wants to empower me with endurance to win, by the power of love. Through prayer, I am not left without God’s enduing-power to love, anyway. When I look to Him, above them, I get the help I need.

Not only that, but when I look to Him, above them, it prohibits the distraction of them to steal the joy of Him. I stay my mind with God, rather than getting it in the weeds of offense.

This is powerful. I do not fear man; I fear God.

We are powerful when you turn to conversations and intercession. Do not grow weary in prayer and well doing. God’s love for us will not fail, even when it feels that man’s love is failing us. Be encouraged.

Prayer: Father God I pray that you, “the God who gives endurance and encouragement” will give each and every reader the endurance to love and to forgive. I pray that we not walk by the spirit of offense so prevalent in today’s world, but that we walk by the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind. I pray that we will have the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ had. Christ laid down His life. God? Help us to lay down our lives too. Help us to love as Jesus loved. Unify your body, Father God. Help us to love with one mind and one voice. In this, we will honor you, Father God, rather than being distracted with quibbles. Help us. We need you. We trust you and we receive today, your enduing endurance power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Overcoming on Hard Days

I said to the pilot, “What is the best learning you have from flying high in the skies?”

His answer, “There is always, always, sun above the rain clouds. If it looks dark and dim when you take off, you just have to go higher. There, the sun is bright!”

The man had a point. What he said was not only a lesson in the natural, but in the spiritual. Above every dark cloud of uncertainty about the future, above every relational problems, above financial concerns, above health issues, remains the Son. The glorious, bright and ever awe-inspiring Son.

When we fly higher than problems, we see Him. The Sovereign One is always reigning when it is raining.

But, so often, my problem is — I don’t look up. Friends, while it is hard to admit, in recent days, I have made a habit of looking at the rain, more than the Rain Maker. Internally, I keep griping, “Ugh, isn’t this over yet? How long can I take going through this?”

I see what hasn’t happened.
I look at what isn’t right.
I see what people aren’t doing.
I am upset at what I am not doing.

Somewhere along the line, I got earthly-focused instead of heavenly-minded. The result? Faith dwindled. Frustration mounted. Anxiety increased. I worried. I sinned.

I sinned by taking my eyes off of God and putting them onto my problems, people and circumstances.

We are told not to do this:

“So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.” (2 Cor. 4:8 NLT)

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Col. 3:2 NIV)

When we set our mind above, we remember King of Kings and the Lord of Lords reigns above it all! When we fix our eyes on Him, we see His glory and power despite our problems and issues. When we think about heavenly things; love comes in right order.

How have you been focusing on what is earthly, instead of Him, who is heavenly? How might you need to let go of your grasp of worry, for the better gain of knowing and loving Him?

Prayer: Father, I thank you for every single person here. I thank you that you know what each and every person is going through. Jesus, you understand the hardships. You empathize. You know. I also ask that you would give us a grace to keep our heart and minds set on you. I ask that you would equip us to rise above problems and people and to glorify your name. Forgive us of self-focus and self-pity. Give us mouths of praise and eyes love. Give us faith and hope. Give us the ability to keep our eyes on you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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You Have Worth

take advantage

When you really want something, you pay any price for it. This is why collectibles are collectibles… People are willing to pay thousands for an old record. They pay big bucks for an old baseball card. They buy a watch for thousands.

Worth is proven by what people are willing to pay. Jesus paid the highest price — to redeem our worth. The Father counted our worth so worthy that He didn’t pay in dollars, but with His Son’s own blood, with His own Son’s beating and with His own Son’s life. Can you even imagine? Sending your own child to the slaughter?

Jesus paid the highest price to bridge our sinful divide. He laid down His life so we could be lifted to eternal life. He went the whole distance, because He wanted us.

Jesus didn’t die for someone or something with no worth. High prices mean high worth.

My dear friend, I want you to know: You have worth.

I used to think I had no worth. That is why I got an eating disorder and was trying to kill myself. I thought I got over all that long ago and that (praise God!), God healed me. Yet, sometimes, I forget how God sees me. I forget that He sees me as having real value to Him. I forget that I am loved more than how people treat me. I forget that I am not what happens to me, but I am what God says about me. I forget that I am not all alone; Christ lives in me.

Jesus died for me, because He loves me. He paid the price for me, because I am worth it to Him. I am not a nothing now; I am a daughter. I am chosen. I am wanted. I am His possession. This means something.

If everyone else in the world doesn’t want me, but God does, I am still wanted. If everyone else forgets me, but He remembers, I am adored by Him. Jesus adored me enough to die for me.

It feels awkward to receive love so lavish like this, doesn’t it? It feels hard to let Him validate our worth, right? For me, it almost feels selfish or self-indulgent, but this is how I base my identity on Christ, rather than being needy on the world.
God loves me. He loves you.

We only pay a great price — for things we absolutely love.

“Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me in the shadow of Your wings.” (Ps. 17:8)

We are ” a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession…” (1 Pet. 2:9)

Prayer: God, thank you that when we know our worth in You, the worth other people ascribe to us doesn’t matter. Help us to know how you see us. Let us understand the lengths, widths, depths and heights of your love. Let us know how seen, wanted and kept we really are. We adore you. We thank you for paying that hefty and costly price for us. W are Yours now. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Known for Love

It wasn’t what my Nana did; it was how she made me feel.

As the oldest of six kids, I was a like a second mom at home. I took care of my siblings constantly. I handled things, especially keeping everyone in check.

Nana would come and get me, though. She’d rescue me away, picking me up in her long white Cadillac. Along the way to her white country house, she’d pull into a rock drive, straight into my favorite place, Little George’s! It was a small convenience store marked by a huge pig out front!

“Pick out any candy you want, Kelly! It doesn’t matter how big it is,” she’d say.

Nana was like this, always giving (taking me shopping, getting me crabs at her house, finding the best corn for us to eat). Always showing up (making a point to get me). Always wanting to be with me (playing cards, making me clean her house – ha!, giving me ice cream).

Nana certainly was super generous, but — I will tell you — it wasn’t what she gave me that blessed me so much. It was how she made me feel. She was consistently patient, thoughtful and welcoming. She was that way with everyone.

Nana is gone now, but I still want to be like her. She never said a bad word about anyone. I tried to talk ill about her friend, who herself, was “a griper”. Nana stopped me. Ironically, that same day, fire ants went flaming up my leg at the lady’s house. It seemed to remind me that. . . mean words do bite!

Nana didn’t talk love, she showed it.

“Love is patient, love is kind.” (1 Cor. 13:4)

I want to be patient and kind in a world that is rushed and panicked. I want to be love, rather than constantly talking about it to my kids. I want to be kind even when things with my husband get tense.

I want people to know me more by how I make them feel, than by the Christianese I profess with my mouth. I’m not sure I’m there yet.

May they know us by our love. Jesus didn’t talk about love 24/7; He IS love. What if we were to love in such a way, people felt it in the fabric of their being?

Prayer: God, only you can help us love more. Help us to experience your love, to show love. Help us to walk in your grace, to release grace. Help us to live by you, to love by you and to walk away from mean words. We don’t want to just be professors of your word, we want to be possessors of it and releasors of it.

You say, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” (Jo. 15:4)

Help us remain in you, for then the fruit of love will come easy!

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If He’s Calling you to Wait, Wait.

The football coach proclaimed something like, “You’re out!! You just won’t wait in the pocket, like I want you to!”

The quarterback was afraid of getting hit, so rather than obeying the coach’s command to stay back, he moved out from behind the line to throw or to run, even though the coach’s clear command was — stay put.

The quarterback didn’t want a huge linebacker to pummel him, so he kept fearing and disobeying — by moving out — rather than trusting and waiting to throw the touchdown pass.

Likewise, many of us are afraid of waiting on the Lord. Many times, we fear that in our wait, we will: miss out on something; get hurt by our inaction; miss an opportunity; or be proven a fool. So, we don’t trust God and we move.

Have you ever been there? Maybe God is nudging your heart to wait on Him before applying to new jobs? To sit with Him before speaking out to your spouse? To keep in prayer before putting your house on the market? To rest in Him before moving your mouth?

How are you afraid of getting hit?

In this quarterback’s situation, in the movie, American Underdog, the coach set him up — to repeatedly get hit. Why? So he could learn to courageously wait and overcome.

Bam. I can do this.
Bam. I’m still alive.
Bam. After being hit 20 times, I now know I can take a hit or two.

Friends, I don’t know if you are at all like me, but I’ve been hit a time or two, too. I can’t say that God caused these hits, but I can certainly say my disobedience did. Hits were things like arguments, discouragement, defeat, or bad outcomes. Each hit hurt, but also, each hit taught me: it is a better strategy to trust the Lord than to move out on my time in my way.

“Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act…” (Ps. 37:7)

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.” (Is. 55:8)

Better is it to stay with God, to wait in His presence, than to go my own way.

Prayer: Father God, if you are calling me to wait, please give me the perseverance and endurance to do so. Please give me strength in the wait. May I feel your nearness and your presence. May I gain a greater understanding of knowing and loving you. May I rest in the fact that you fight for me while I am still. May I trust you more and more, even when I don’t understand or can’t figure out what you are doing. Truly, you are weaving a tapestry of the greatest story ever. Help me to trust your plan. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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When You’re Not Happy With What You Have

good father

Ever noticed, its easy to see what everyone else has, but you?

Social media parades this fact in our faces…

She’s changing the world by starting through missions in Africa and is being publicly rewarded. The other gal is hanging out with the very group that rudely excluded you. The old friend is now building a whole sports complex in her backyard and her family always looks picture-perfect. Another woman smiles in bliss with her husband in Bermuda – of course, her body is perfect in that tan bikini.

But you?

Youre sitting like a blob on the couch, hair in messy bun, dirty dishes stacked high in the sink and the dirty toilets are calling your name today because they must be cleaned.

Friends, Ill tell you. . . I know what it is to sit in this seat.

From home, it is easy to observe people. Not only in what God is doing in their lives, but also by seeing how good they have it. How happy they seem… All God has given them… What things look like…

In some ways, I havent gotten what others have. Maybe you feel the same way? Like you havent been treated as well? That your marriage got the short end of the stick? That you were treated unfairly or ripped off by people? I wonder, is there sometimes pain in the offering of these things to God?

I get it.

Online, we see peoples best of days, often on our worst of days. With all this in mind, the other day, I prayed to God about my lot. It probably sounded something like this:

“God, I’ve moved around a lot. You know it, and I know it! Father, you know Ive always wanted a garden, but I rent. Why am I going to make beautiful, a rented yard? Thats not my lot…”

But, at the same time, I realized: it is my lot.

Here, it was as if God was saying, Kelly, love your lot. Love your lot, a lot.”

To love my lot, I went out to the garden store and bought a huge box of flowers. I planted them all over my rented lot. New buds of hope. New blooms of life and perspective. Brightness on my ground.  Rather than seeing what I didnt have, I chose to beautify and relish in what I did have.

Now, in the evenings, my kids and I go out and look at what has grown. We enjoy our lot.

How can you enjoy and beautify – relish and wonder – over your lot, no matter how bad it may seem? Friends, truly – no matter how bad it looks – there is a lot God has given you.  What if, rather than seeing what you dont have, you gain eyes to see what you really do have? What if, rather than hating, you start playing up what is working? What if, rather than complaining, you start thanking God for what is your ground, your body, your family?

Maybe you’ll see that your lot is not only a lot, but now a garden.

“I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.” (Phil. 4:10-14 MSG)

Prayer: Father, give me eyes to see – what I do have. Give me a heart to love what you have given me. Show me ways to appreciate and value what youve put around me. I want your view and your hope as it pertains to my lot. In Jesus name. Amen.

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Addressing the Fear of Loving

God's love

A girlfriend, last night, told me, “Kelly, I know you care for me, because you spend time with me.”

She was right; I care for her. Another girl at the table could have said, “Kelly, you love me, because you serve me.” Yet, another, could have noted, “Kelly, you love me because you give gifts to me.”

Loving is giving (giving: words, time, gifts, time, service, hope)…

“For God so loved the world that He gave…” (Jo. 3:16)

Jesus gave His life, so we could experience death-defying love.

Love accomplishes much and it never fails. It takes bold risk. Many have led the way in love…

One woman gave, at least, a year’s worth of savings (some say it could be her life savings), and poured it out as a perfume-offering, a pre-burial anointing, on Jesus’ feet…

“She stood behind Jesus and cried at his feet. And she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair. She kissed them and poured perfume on them.” (Lu. 7:38)

Giving from her heart she gave away her greatest treasure.
Crying, she didn’t care about the Pharisees, who were likely judging.
Letting go, she gave up what she had rights to.
Due to love. Due to honor. Due to someone greater than she.

Another woman, Martha, had her own love-act. She gave up the pressure to please man and to meet societal expectations, by ditching the dinner preparations — to sit at Jesus’ feet. How dare she?!

(But,) Jesus said, “But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Lu. 10:42)

She knew love was her highest calling.
She focused on a ministry to God’s heart, first.
She kept first-things, first.

Beyond this, this verse strikes me: “And as He rode along, the people kept spreading their garments on the road.” (Luke 19:36)

Again, love and honor, to the very heart of Christ prevailed.

They laid down what they owned, due to love.
They shed layers, because Jesus was greater.
They likely recognized, God in their midst, and honored Him.

I want to love Jesus this way, don’t you? But, sometimes things hold us back from extravagant, courageous, all-out love. What are they?

For me? If I am honest, it is: fear.

Fear that the time I spend reading the Bible will make me miss out on something else.
Fear that giving will leave me high and dry.
Fear that if I’m with God, I won’t get a chance to do important things for God.
Fear that I’ll be judged.

“The greatest of these is love.” (1 Cor. 13:13)
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor. 2:9)

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Ro. 8:28)

Love never fails. And, it is the one thing that — endures forever…

“Love never ends.” (1 Cor. 13:8)

Prayer: Father? We want to love more. We want to love Father, Son and Holy Spirit more. We want to give from deep inner reserves. Because all things are from you, to you and through you — will you fill us with love? Will you help us to pay attention and to have great devotion to love? We want to honor you more. You are our greatest ministry. First, we love you! Give us your grace to sit and to talk, to hear and to understand, to minister to your very heart. In Jesus’ All-Powerful, Ever-Saving Name, Amen.

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