Whenever she does something – it’s off.
There’s one particular friend who can’t seem to do things exactly right. It’s as though when she buys me a gift, it’s the one color I dislike. When she says she’ll see me soon, she forgets because she “had to run more errands” and shows up 30 minutes late. When she’s trying to be thoughtful, it’s awkward.
Now, issues like this would be fine as an isolated incident, but she always and repeatedly acts this way.
I know her heart, but she lets me down – even though her intentions are good.
It is easy for me to judge her. And, I have. Her wrong timing. Her wrong words. Her wrong ways.
But, recently, I’ve been wondering if I’ve been wrong?
God says: “Bear with each other . . . ” (Col. 3:13 NIV)
Where God wants us to bear with one other, the enemy wants to tear us apart.
Recently, I started noticing my 7-year old son’s tendency for ungratefulness. I’ll buy him the world and he acts as though I owe it to him. I go out of my way to reverse my car so he can see one particular person that looks like his teacher and he gets upset I didn’t do it fast enough. I make him a special dinner and he hardly notices. He tells me he wanted something different.
I’m like my son. I get ungrateful. I don’t see the good. I want things to cater to me at times.
I repent of this. The reality is, this friend is not perfect, but she’s pursuing relationship as best she can. She has many outstanding characteristics about her. She is giving. She makes time to show up. She goes out of her way to be thoughtful.
I’ve been hard on her. I’ve made a mistake.
I am sorry God. Father, will you help me to see the good in others, before critiquing the bad? Will you help me give thanks for the beauty you’ve created in them, even when it is hard to see?
“Make allowance for each other’s faults . . . ” (Col. 3:13 NLT)
May I make allowance so I can draw closer rather than giving enemy room to drive us apart. Thank you for your help, Father God.
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We are an entitled bunch, for sure. Thanks for trampling my toes with this one.
Thanks for sharing your heart! We are all capable of this and your story helps us to see that more clearly and feel the conviction in our hearts!
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I love how the truth of God’s word changes our perspective and then makes it applicable right where we are.
Such a wonderful post, Kelly. A shift in perspective can change our thinking and I’m so grateful He is patient with us.
Have a wonderful day,
Wise words Kelly, healing ones too!
Praying God continues to bless the work of your hands.
~Sherry Stahl
A good word. I know my people have to overlook many flaws in me! laurensparks.net
Kelly, I needed to see this TODAY! Praying for forgiveness to enter my heart toward an older family member who was very unkind. Thank you!
What an important reminder! I’m not good at this. At all. Thanks for reminding me that I’m not the only one, and that God can help me get better at it!
We do tend to look at things through a narrow lens, seeing the negative and wanting perfection. However, you are right. God tells us to make allowances for human weakness. It’s hard, but overlooking faults and focusing on the good in people is the best thing to do. It is amazing how when we look for the good we will find it!
All I can say is…WOW! Thank you for such a timely word. I was doing this very thing with one of the most precious God given people in my life. Going to work on this today. Now I will be more aware and remember this post when something gets to me. Thank you! God bless you!
I’ve been checking myself A LOT lately! I point the finger at “them” and I’m pointing 3 more back at me. It looks like the thing that gets me the most tiffed about others is the very flaw that’s riding my back!
Such wise words to look at our part of the friendship and what God wants from us.