I’ve noticed that when I feel bad about myself, I draw back. I don’t want to burden others. Can’t pull them down. I’ve gotta seem like I somewhat have my act together.
To pull away emotionally, mentally or physically is my safest bet. No one likes a Negative Nelly, after all. People can take a couple of minutes of hard-times talk, but after that – we’ve all seen it – their eyes start to wander and you just know they’re strategizing their exit.
It’s usually safer to stay away from people when problems hit. You usually get less-hurt this way. But, a whole lot more lonely. That’s the paradox. What you want the most – to be seen and known – then, feels utterly impossible. Pain heightens.
And rightfully so. God did not intend for us to live this way.
If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 1 Cor. 12:26
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Ro. 12:15
Clearly, rather than running away from those in pain, we’re supposed to run towards them. Why? Because often our healing comes as another does a deep revealing of their own painful story.
Certainly, God speaks through His Word, prayer and life happenings, but especially He talks through others. We don’t want to shut the door in His face as He’s trying to send us a message.
I put together The Journey Together Summit for those like me. Those who may be suffering silently. Those who need help but are afraid. Those going through a hard battle. I wanted to address a wide variety of issues and provide help. I wanted you to hear personal stories, wisdom and biblical insights, to help you.
You ARE not alone. I believe there is help for you. I hope this event feels like a whole bunch of sisters coming alongside to help you.
I’ve gathered a bunch of girlfriends (authors, speakers and women’s ministry leaders) to join me on video to openly talk about their issues, hardships and life problems.
Filming this was amazing. As I heard so many of these women’s difficult stories, I started to hear the voice of Jesus saying to me: I’ve got you, Kelly. I know your way. I want to heal some things. You’re not alone. This was powerful.
I believe The 2018 Journey Together Summit, will be powerful for you too.
Learn from experts, how to stand faithful and firm the worst of life’s trials hit. Whether you’re struggling with finances, your marriage, grief, uncertainty, doubt, discouragement or despair -there is a topic for you.
See the full agenda and speaker line-up here: www.journeytogethersummit.com.
At this event, you will:
- Gain practical and biblical tips to break the power of uncertainty, doubt and worry in your life.
- See past the mountains before you to the heights of your victorious God.
- Come to believe God really can do exceedingly abundantly more than you can ever ask or imagine as you trust Him.
All the General Sessions (40+ videos) are FREE. Beyond this, you can upgrade your pass to the Practical Application sessions if you want to dive deeper on a subject, get practical wisdom on how to proceed or if you want to watch the videos over the next year.
What are you waiting for? Grab your FREE ticket today. And, if you can’t attend Sept. 11-14, we’ve got you covered. Get the All Access Pass and you’ll be able to watch the videos post-event.
Visit: www.journeytogethersummit.com.

[…] linking up with #RaRaLinkup, #TellHisStory, and Holley […]
[…] with Ronja, Kelly, Char, […]
it sounds like an amazing event. Thank you! Maree
Can’t wait for the summit! laurensparks.net
Thanks for the invite